NFPA Certification

Due to the nature of the logging and forestry industry, there are some potentially dangerous situations that can occur during the logging process. When combining large machines, vehicles, and trees, there is added risk for accidents and fires. At Turner Logging, LLC we maintain NFPA certifications in order to ensure our clients and our staff that we will use all the necessary regulations and codes to prevent fire hazards from the logging process.

NFPA is the National Fire Protection Association which sets the codes and regulations to minimize any risk of fire. Periodically, these codes and regulations are reviewed and updated. We make sure to stay up-to-date with the regulations and codes as well as keep each and every one of our staff members educated about these codes and regulations.  

Importance of NFPA Certifications

The National Fire Protection Association is designated to set the codes and standards that minimize the risk of fire and helps to create an emergency plan that can save lives. It is important to have these “fire” codes set in place to ensure the safety of our clients, our staff members, and anyone near the harvesting site. If you are a landowner looking to hire a local logging company in Kansas or Missouri, it is vital that you hire a company with NFPA certification. At Turner Logging, LLC safety is our number one priority and we are dedicated to following all of the regulations and guidelines set by the NFPA.  


Guidelines and Regulations

There are many codes and regulations set by the NFPA. Some of the most common forestry and logging safety codes regulated by the NFPA include:

• Fire Code: “A comprehensive, integrated approach to fire code regulation and hazard management.”

• Recommended Safe Practice for Storage of Forest Products: “Provides fire protection guidance to minimize the fire hazard in yard storage areas containing lumber, timber, and other similar wood products.”

• Electrical Standard for Industrial Machinery: “Provides safeguards for industrial machinery to protect operators, equipment, facilities, and work-in-progress from fire and electrical hazards.”

• Standard for Safeguarding Construction, Alteration, and Demolition Operations: “Provides measures for preventing or minimizing fire damage to structures, including those in underground locations, during construction, alteration, or demolition.”

• Standard for the Prevention of Fires and Explosions in Wood Processing and Woodworking Facilities: “This standard provides requirements for fire and explosion prevention and protection of industrial, commercial, or institutional facilities that process wood or manufacture wood products in order to protect life, property, and mission continuity.”

These are just a few of the several codes and regulations set by the NFPA. If you would like to learn more about our safety regulations, contact us at Turner Logging, LLC. We can be reached anytime at 417-276-1484.

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